New free printables: Writing paper of ‘Like a Girl!’

The inspiring heroines of my coloring book Like a Girl! are starring on these new printable writing papers! And there’s more: along with the stationery paper I added free printable coloring pages from the actual book. The printables are waiting for you right here, and you can also access them through the menu bar under…

How to design a book cover – step by step process

Now that I finally published my second title, The Clever Explorer’s Activity Book, I can share with you the process of making it. I want to show you how to design a book cover for your own project, especially if you are interest in self publishing your book with Createspace or another POD (print on…

New tutorial: How to make DIY kawaii bookmarks

A new craft tutorial is waiting for you! This time it’s all about the world of kawaii. ‘Kawaii’ is just the Japanese word for “cute”, but in modern culture it became the term for a very specific kind of cute. It’s that Asian, babyish, big-eyed, super cute kind of cute.  With this tutorial you will…

Cute stickers with my cartoons

Every year around this time I spot my cartoons for Israel’s Independence Day on all kinds of items. Last week I spotted my little cartoon kids on my favorite type of items: stickers! I never know where and how my images will be used. Designers from all over the world download stock images from websites…

Unique activity book for kids: the proof arrived!

After many months of work, I finally received the proof of my new activity book for kids. It is an activity book that combines General knowledge with fun puzzles, riddles, crafts and coloring pages. It was definitely a challenge to create, because of all the different actions it required (researching the facts, writing, drawing, making the puzzles, sending…

Seeing your own illustrations on products

From time to time I find my stock illustrations printed on items. This time I found my two creative kids on a booklet of scratch sheets. The kids’ original paintbrushes were replaced with toothpicks, to make them look as if they are scratching the sheet. So I scratched a doodle boy scratching a doodle in…

Easy holiday craft – DIY Christmas miniatures

Christmas is the best holiday ever. The decorations are the prettiest, the songs are the nicest and the cookies are the cutest. Growing up I didn’t really have the chance to celebrate Christmas. In my country it was all about Hanukkah, and being from a Jewish family I spent my Decembers with candles and dreidels….

A super fun activity book is coming!

The Clever Explorer Activity Book is on its way! My second book (after Like a Girl) is at its final stages. The cover is designed and illustrated, and only a few touch-ups are left before the book is out in the stores. As you can tell from the cover, this book combines general knowledge and fun…

Almost Halloween

Why do I even care about Halloween? It’s not that we celebrate it here. Well, thanks to the internet everybody celebrates everything, so I can get a little bit of this fun holiday. I love the decorations of Halloween and I love the typical color combination of orange, purple, black and white. I also love…

Into autumn

Huh? how did it become mid-October? Time passes so fast. With summer far behind and the first rains already dripping, I have many new plans coming. One of them causes me thrills of excitements mixed with a zest of anxiety. My husband and I have been thinking about it for a long time. Since we…