10 Free summer printables – party, home and stationery

Ready for this summer special of free printables? I created 10 free summer printables for party, home and stationery items. All are free for your personal use and easy to download and print. Click on the images to get a high quality printable PDF. 1. Printable paper fruit glasses Pineapples, strawberries and watermelon aren’t only…

Free printable summer fruit glasses

Every person that came to my house and found these printable fruit glasses ended up wearing them, looking in the mirror and laughing out loud. These glasses really bring in the party. I printed the glasses with my home printer, on thick craft paper. I cut all the parts with scissors, glued the arms and…

Free printable nautical design greeting cards

Here is something great for the start of summer: Free printable nautical design greeting cards! You can download and save them for later or print them right away. For these free printable nautical design greeting cards I chose navy blue and airy white with simple patterns. Hope you like them! All of the cards are A6…

New coloring pages and craft tutorials

Go ahead and click on the new pages I added to the navigation bar: COLORING PAGES and DIY•CRAFTS….

Illustration for summer

When many projects move forward simultaneously it’s difficult to make significant progress fast. Things add up little by little and take turns in stepping on. It’s quite frustrating, because I draw and draw but the ending lines remain so far away! 🙁 Though I’m  busy with my current personal projects, I can’t neglect my loyal feeders…

Back from England – what’s next?

If I had known that England was so beautiful I would have gone there much sooner. I spent a week and a half there, first in London and then at the more rural areas of Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District. So much green and mountains and water and lovely little farms! It felt like being in…

Something new is on its way!

A few years ago I was working in a kid’s magazine (official Disney Magazine in my country), as a writer and later as a deputy editor. We had all these articles about nature, history, science and basically everything that expands the readers’ mind in a super fun and interesting way. Writing about all these topics in…

Questioning EVERYTHING

Once or twice a month I go into a phase of questioning everything. I no longer trust my own life choices. I doubt my chances to succeed as an artist. I stop believing that the projects I’m working on are actually worth completing. Today is the pointy peek of such phase, and it is increased by a few recent events….

Happy New Year from my inner fangirl!

Aaaannd… Poof! Another Year has ended! Do you also feel that as you grow older the years pass faster? I am back from my annual trip to Belgium and I am welcoming the New Year from my office at home. Going to Belgium always fills me up with inspiration, probably because of all the cute Christmas…

going to Belgium

Another trip starts tonight. My husband and I will be going to his family in Belgium for the annual Christmas visit. So today is all about getting lots of work done, and preparing images to be uploaded to my microstock site accounts from abroad. What would I do without the internet?? Other than that, I’m…