Since summer is my favorite season (I am a solar human who charges in the sun), summerish graphics were due to happen. I wanted to have a set of cute decorations to stylize simple white envelopes. Just thought that cards sent during summertime should have an appropriate feel! 🙂 These fruits would probably look cute in planners or…
My empowering coloring book is published!
My girl empowering coloring book is finally out! It took a lot of thinking, drawing, refining and designing, but the process is finally complete and the book is available for purchase. This coloring book was created for girls, but it is not your typical girlish book. You won’t find any princesses and fairies there. What you will find are…
New page – free printables!
This a fun one! I added a new page called FREE PRINTABLES to the website. The page is full of – you guessed it – free printables! These are printable stationary designes that you can print out for free. Also, you can subscribe to my website and get updates on new shiny things, including new free printables i’ll…
J-pop, fan art and *GUILT*
Do you also feel guilty every time you do something for fun? Is it a problem of many? Or only of freelancers? Or only of me?? I struggle with guilt almost every minute of the day. And to be honest, it is not only when I do something for fun. It’s whenever I do whatever,…
My girlish not-so-girlish coloring book!
It’s almost here! My brand new, girl-powered coloring book: Like a Girl! Now at the final stages of proofing and printing, the book is nearly ready to be sold on Amazon and other leading stores. My coloring book is directed to girls, but you can see it is not your typical girlish book. The main purpose of…
DIY Unicorn magnet
Do you also have tones of advertising magnets on your fridge? I’m not even sure where did all of these magnets come from and how they formed such prospering magnet communities right under my nose. All I know is that every few months I find myself harvesting magnets from my fridge’s door. I don’t like the…
7 awkward products every woman should know
Once you google something, you can’t un-google it. That’s how my illustrated guide to awkward feminine products was born. Enjoy, sisters! 1. The Bloody Grail If you had enough of menstrual napkins and tampons, you might wanna befriend the menstruation cup. This flexible silicon cup is inserted into the thingity*, where it peacefully sits during your period and collects…
Fiddler On The Roof – the anime
I’m not a very traditional person, but if I do have one comfort in my Jewish background it is probably Fiddler On The Roof. I just love the movie, I love the song, i love Chaim Topol. A while ago i participated in a Anime drawing contest and my choice was to draw an Anime-like version of Fiddler…
Neil Gaiman inspiration
If you are an aspiring artists, you probably watched the video of Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech at the university of arts (you did not? Go watch!). Like practically everybody else, i fell in love with Gaiman’s vibe. I like to go on Youtube and listen to him talk. Recently I listened to readings from parts of his books, and…
why I NEVER go to the cinema
watch out, nasty people who text in theaters! Elijah is coming for you! this was written in responds to a tweet by AMC theaters, that wrote that they will forbid texting in most of their theaters. I think the allow\forbid texting turned into a wider discussion, but honestly i don’t care. I already have my opinion on movie theaters and…
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